Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You oughta be in pictures

So.  Let's talk scrapbooks and memories. 

If you're anything like me, you are the photographer of the family.  Sure, you have hundreds - maybe thousands - of photos.  But are you in many of them?  How about even just SOME of them?  Nope.  Not me.

Disney has a great solution - PhotoPass.  Get this:  You get yourself a credit card sized card either from a photographer or in the mail before you leave.  Photographers, stationed throughout the World, take this card and scan it.  It associates the photos taken with your number.  You get home, claim your photos, edit them, order a CD, and TA DA!  In a week, you have photos.  With you in them!  Amazing.

Even cooler:  They have some "trick shots".  One of my favorite photos of my daughter from last year was on our arrival day - they put Tinkerbell into the shot, like magic.

Another bonus is that Disney has several borders that you can choose from to enhance your photos.  One of my favorite tips is to put a border on every photo, and save it as a copy.  That way, you have the original to work with, but you also have a cool border to show off.  As there is no extra charge for more photos, you may as well choose to put all sorts of borders on them.  In fact, my most recent PhotoPass order required two full CDs to contain all of the joy and happiness!

Of course, this is the very basic gist of it.  One of my most favorite sites is also (in my opinion) the most comprehensive explanation of PhotoPass.  Check out Stitch Kingdom's PhotoPass Primer, and read carefully.  They have tips about how to save money (I suggest finding some friends you can trust to do a "share"), what to look for when searching for a photographer, and even some sample photos.  Check it out.

PS - happy anniversary to my BFF, my love, my everything ... Brad a/k/a "The Sad Panda".  Or just "panda".  I love you.

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